So what did I serve?
Entree: Jasmine Martini's to start with - thanks Sass! Yes - you can eat jasmine flowers...
along with some yummy cutlets - carefully bbq'd by the online butcher extraordinaire George Topham!
Some yummy cheese, garnished with more flowers!
Main: Lasagne (with lots of herbs of course) and garden salads - with peony petals (delicious!)
Dessert: rosewater icecream with brownies and strawberries, complete with rose petals!
Anyway, it was a beautiful night in the garden - the weather was perfect and the people were fun!! And next time I'm trying lavendar lamb!
I had sooooo much fun setting up - and thanks so much for my flatties who helped me set up, cook and clean up!!
And thanks again to the very talented Elise Hassey for taking such amazing photos - If you are looking for a photographer - for a wedding - or a floral feast! - have a look at her website:
Check out some pics below of the great night we had!
And for more information on eating flowers - have a look at this website: